在 Chrome 上安装 AutoFollowers,点击 '导出' 或 '关注/取消关注',让插件完成剩余工作。它毫不费力地提供满意的结果。
轻松下载指定 Twitter 账户的关注、粉丝和推文信息到 CSV 格式,具有批量导出功能。
通过自动关注目标 Twitter 账户的关注和粉丝列表,迅速与潜在客户互动。
提取指定 Twitter 账户的推文,并使用有洞察力的分析来评估账户的连接适宜性。
AutoFollowers is my social media companion! The bulk export feature effortlessly organizes my Twitter network, and the automated follow function eliminates the hassle of manual operations. It's an indispensable part of my digital marketing toolkit.
Seraphina Hawthorn
As a social media manager, AutoFollowers gives me greater freedom and control. The bulk export feature helps me manage followers and fans effortlessly, while automated following significantly boosts my account's activity. Highly recommended for all social media professionals!
Montgomery Sterling
This plugin is outstanding! I can quickly target users, and the AI tweet analysis feature allows me to gain deeper insights into my audience. AutoFollowers has changed how I interact on Twitter, making my social media management more efficient.
Ellington Prescott
AutoFollowers' transparent and affordable pricing leaves me highly satisfied. I love the plugin's sleek design and user-friendly interface, helping me effectively promote my personal brand on Twitter. Undoubtedly one of the best social media tools I've ever used.
Cressida Winthrop
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